Sunday, 27 May 2018

Communication 111

The Working Man – I’m With Him

the rising sun over cheap housing
streets turn to dust as the city wakes up,
body after body, pressed and dressed,
tightly tucked lines, shuffling behind,
packed like cattle, nose to nose
toes to toes, no rest for the working man,
fighting every day, every minute,
poverty or prosperity,
there ain’t much in it,
his efforts go unrewarded
You Want A Home?
you can’t afford it,
You Want A Leg Up?
your face doesn’t fit
let it go, forget about it,
the animals file the isles
and on through the turnstiles, 
point driven financial divisions
bring the system to its knees,
it’s up to me to foot the bill
for someone else’s greed,
your city is a dirty hole,
if you don’t make the grade
‘you ain’t gonna’ get paid,
still the bankers get rich
through ‘insider trade’,
the directors get picked
to marginalize and fix,
pushing up the price of bricks,
there’s a glitch in our autonomy,
your megalomania
is truly beyond me,
you can choke on your money,
us working class folk
may appear so vile to your average
yuppie, but it’s plain to see
where my penny falls,
I’ve got to fight,
when you ain’t got the balls
to pull yourself up when life gets cruel
I don’t give way, I never give in,
it takes more than a ‘car salesman smile’
to make my living,
but you wouldn’t know that
you spend too much time
chewing the fat, strutting around
like an aristocrat,
so dishevelled by the dispossessed,
you feel so depressed,
they don’t fit the mould
of the politically correct,
your ‘pay-check’ suggests
you’re better than the rest,
but here lies the great misnomer,
a man isn’t measured
by the size of his wallet,
or the cheap tat he buys with an expensive
tag on it, the man isn’t measured
by his style or class,
having been born with
a silver spoon up his arse,
the true measure comes
when the shit hits the fan
when each problem solved
makes you naturally evolve
into a better person 
than you were before,
like those veterans who return from war,
missing limbs, missing their minds,
but still they fight to claw back their life,
making sure their condition
doesn’t define,
doesn’t outshine
the person hidden under their skin,
the working man takes life on the chin,
with a country divided
“I’m with him”